Restaurant Zum goldenen Hirschen


At the cosily decorated «Zum goldenen Hirschen» restaurant at the Hotel Klösterli, guests are treated to friendly service and freshly prepared meals.The menu includes regional dishes mainly prepared using premium organic ingredients from the local area.Every day there are two different dishes of the day available at a reasonable price: one vegetarian and one chicken or fish dish. But you will also find simple, traditional dishes like rösti in various versions, Älplermagronen (alpine macaroni) and other delicacies on the menu. The meals are prepared with fresh, organic produce from the local region and semi-prepared convenience products are deliberately avoided.

After a walk, you can rest your tired legs on the wide sunshine terrace while enjoying home-made cake and fine organic, Fairtrade coffee.

With its varied food, excellent service and large rooms of various sizes (for up to 120 people), the restaurant is an excellent venue for large events such as family celebrations, corporate events, seminars etc. The «Zum goldenen Hirschen» restaurant can be easily reached by taking the Rigi Bahnen railway from Goldau. Numerous footpaths also go past the restaurant.

In this restaurant the Rigi-voucher can be redeemed. 
