The nature trail
Informationen zur Route
Best Time of Year
There are natural beauties in and around Bad Zurzach. Some are obvious and catch the eye, such as the river landscape of the Rhine with its floodplains. Others have to be discovered, heard or observed: a kingfisher or beaver tracks on the Rhine, swifts at the customs house or spawning balls in the wetland biotopes of Bad Zurzach.
Valuable small structures are very important for the survival of biodiversity. Many of these small-scale landscape elements have also been created by human hands in our area: the hedge planted at the cemetery, new standard fruit trees in the vineyard and the renaturalised "Innere Bach" stream.
But that's not enough! The protection of nature should not be a matter for a few idealists - nature conservation concerns us all. We invite you on a relaxing and educational NATURE EXPERIENCE PATH through Bad Zurzach.