Rotstock hut (5h)
Informationen zur Route
Best Time of Year
The first route section to Gimmelwald ensures a gentle start. From there, it's a descent to the Sefinental. In the valley, the trail leads along the "Sefinen Lütschine" to Flirten. From there is the climb, measuring around 400 vertical metres, up to Oberberg. The trail continues to the Rotstock Hut. After a well-deserved break, you can tackle the descent. There are various options: the fastest leads past Bryndli and down to the Spielbodenalp (steep). However, the last section provides, once more, for a gentle end to the hike. A short detour from Spielbodenalp to the "Sprutz" waterfall can also be worthwhile.
Die Tour wird als schwierig eingestuft
Gute Bergschuhe zwingend notwendig
Rotstockhütte ist ab Anfangs/Mitte Juni bis Ende September geöffnet und buchbar für Übernachtungen
See also Mürren Tourismus CH- 3825 Mürren +41 (0)33 856 86 86