Moorlandschaftspfad Etappe 3: Klein Entlen
Informationen zur Route
Best Time of Year
A little valley with a big range of moor land! This moor land, which is mostly dewatered by the Kleine Entlen, shows a lot of little forms. Appreciable are the big areas of fen which are used as spread meadows. The original cultivation is still present. The rural architecture shows a lot of different forms: You can find the all-year farm with house and barn as well as the basic alp barn.
This day tour proceeds on historical street. The walking tour is a demanding stamina. Magnificent view points reward the exertions.
Specials in the moor of the Klein Entlen
H: In the burnt down Kurhotel Schrimbrig-Bad (1933) you can find the sulphur spring. I: On the Angstboden you can find numerous old spread huts. J: Street to the Juchmoos, where in the ancient days peat bog has been dismantled and to the first bog in the Muellerenmoesli, which should grow more than other in Switzerland. K: In 1994 got great masses of soil in motion. L: Alp cheese factory Baumgarten M: On the alps Aeschi and Aeschischwand there are a lot and imposting sycamore ma-ples. N: The pond on the Schwandalp is one of the most beautiful and biggest Kneipp-resort in Switzerland.
Note(s) The route is marked with the pointer "Moorlandschaftspfad" and can also be made in the opposite direction.
Information about the timetable you can find on
In Fluehli you can choose between two possibilities: You can go with the bus to the railway station Schuepfheim or you can walk the other parts of the Moorlandschaftspfad (Glaubenberg or Hilfernpass).
See also Further informations (broschure «Moorlandschaftspfad» und «Seelensteg»): UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch Biosphärenmanagement Chlosterbüel 2 CH-6170 Schüpfheim Telefon: 0041 (0)41 485 88 50 Mail: zentrum@biospaere.chpage: