Davos Enduro North
Informationen zur Route
Best Time of Year
Start the tour in Klosters with the Gondola to Gotschnagrat. Pedal northwest until the trail below Grünhorn. The first trail is fun riding on solid and loose rocks. At Chalbersäss return to the gondola middle station by taking the trail west through the big ravine. Go up to Gotscnhagrat again.
Head southeast this time for the regions signature trail. It starts flowy through interesting rock formations and becomes harder soon. Navigate your way through the rock gardens and don´t be distracted by the views. From Schwarzseealp head back to the Gotschnaboden middle station and lift up again.
Follow the first downhill to the intersection above the forest. Here the infamous "Chälbersässtrail" starts. Stay focused for endless roots! A great downhill for good riders. Roll back to Klosters on the double track and to the Madrisa Gondola.
Cycle up the partially steep alpine road to Zügenhüttli above the Schlappintobel. The trail down to Donnerstein and Ronenwald is just amazing and partially very challenging in the last parts! Take the Madrisa Gondola for the last downhill.
Head west along the playground and up to the Sagenturm. Follow the trail all the way down to Saas. Its mostly flowy with only a few harder sections. A great end to a great day!
Take the train back to Klosters.