Grimmimutz adventure trail
Informationen zur Route
Best Time of Year
Children read the story about Grimmimutz (the story is written in German only) along the walk, play at various stations and discover nature. Cook a typical Swiss sausage, such as the Cervelat, on one of the barbecue sites along the path.
Grimmimutz is one of a kind, a good-natured soul, who calls the area of Grimmialp his home. He loves nothing more than peace and nature. However, life is not always easy, and his evil neighbour disturbs the peaceful atmosphere. But Grimmimutz is not alone. The giant Spillgert is his loyal friend, and together they help the locals to fight against the evil intentions and pranks of the Pepper Witch and her husband Lothar.
Natural experience for children The various activity stations are created for children. Whilst hiking, they’ll have fun learning how to respect nature, and their feet will almost walk on their own. Did you catch a glimpse of Grimmimutz’ grey hair glimmering behind a gnarled rootstock? You won’t be able to miss the huge Spillgerte, the enchanted giant of the story, at the back of the valley.