Mountain hike to the Grimmiwasser (Grimmiwater) place of power
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Best Time of Year
Earlier writings tell us that the healing properties of the springs at the rear of the Diemtigtal were also acknowledged by the seasonal workers of the Diemtigtal and their neighbours in the Simmental. High up on Grimmialp, approximately 2,000 metres above sea level, the crystal-clear spring rises from the stony ground at the foot of a colossal rock face.
The effect of the water These wells have brought lasting healing of old ailments and new, fresh life to hundreds of people far beyond the borders of the valleys. Often even where all other help had failed. Summer after summer, in desperate cases also in winter, their water was fetched from the high alpine pastures with great difficulty in barrels and bottles. It had become customary to add bright red stones to the drinking water, supposedly to preserve its healing power, but certainly only to prove that the water had been drawn from the right sources.