Foppa - Fidaz
Informationen zur Route
Best Time of Year
Between Fidaz and Flims is a children's playground with a view of Flims and many other highlights. The chairlift takes us to Foppa, the starting point of the hike. On forest trails it goes from there to Spaligna and continue along the trail to Scheia. After a short while, we reach the Romanesque nature trail that accompanies us to Scheia. Worth knowing about the area and its language we learn on various signs. At Spaligna, Prau Palusa and Crap da Sigls, the hike crosses dry meadows of national importance. Before we get to Fidaz, there is the possibility to shop in Scheia with various organic farmers. We return to Flims on the half-hour walk or the Flims Laax Falera Shuttle.
While at higher altitudes there is at best already snow, the trails in the valley are still free of snow. Our interactive snow depth map helps you to plan your tour. Here you can see at a glance at where you can already expect snow on the paths and trails and where you can still be on the road without getting cold feet.