328 Fadära Path
Informationen zur Route
Best Time of Year
A romantic winter hiking trail leads from the quaint village of „Seewis“, high above the valley through the plains of the „.Islatal” towards the “Bündner Rheintal”. Initially the trail follows a small creek and then crosses a bog where the heavy snow blanket hides a seven hectare wetland of national significance.
The last section of the trail leads uphill through open woods to the small village of “Fadära”. The southern exposure creates a very sheltered and extremely mild climate. This is especially suitable for the wild daffodils („Dichter-Narzissen“), which bloom by the thousands in spring in the meadows of „Seewis“.
It is nice to hike the same trail back to town, although it would be faster using the road to reach “Seewis”. The block like design of the roads is not typical for a mountain village. It is the consequence of a terrible fire in 1863 intended to prevent future disasters.