250 Nordic Surselva
Informationen zur Route
Best Time of Year
Cross-country skiing along the Rhine is a pleasure for young and old, for beginners and experts. With all loops there are over 30 km of cross-country trails, prepared using the latest technology, classic and skating. (Disentis - Trun- Disentis)
The runners start in Disentis, at the monastery courtyard in Salaplauna. After a first loop on a large meadow, there is a sporty descent down to the Rhine. From now on, the quiet rushing of the water is a constant companion; the trail runs sometimes on the left side of the Rhine, then again on the right side, and leads through alder forests and across flat meadows. There are places to stop for refreshments in Surrein and you can still enjoy culture in Trun. Next to the trail is the Senda d'Art, where remarkable art objects from various local artists can be viewed in the open air. In midwinter the trail is partly in the shade.
If you still have enough energy, you can ski back from Trun to Disentis. For Plaisir athletes, we recommend taking the train back.
Night trail: You can glide along floodlit on the 5 km long night trail in Trun, 6 days a week. (Monday to Saturday) from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Sunny trail: You can do laps as often as you like on the 3.5km long Salaplauna-Rieven circular trail.
Training trail: The 1.5 km long circular trail in Fontanivas is covered with snow at the beginning of winter and is ideal for training.
Cross-country ski trail report:www.nordic-surselva.ch (If there is a lack of snow, it is possible that only individual sections of the cross-country ski trail are open)
Segnas cross-country ski trail: If snow conditions permit, an additional circular cross-country ski trail of approx. 5 km is prepared in Segnas.