Discover museums, world heritage sites and events worth seeing
Explore the castles of Bellinzona with the Treno Gottardo, follow in the footsteps of the Swiss Confederation's founding fathers and visit the beautiful old town of Bern. The opportunities for cultural experiences along the SOB lines are many and varied.
Museums, world heritage sites and events worth seeing
Whether you are a history fanatic, art lover or technology enthusiast, Switzerland's museums have something for everyone.
Art: For art lovers, the St. Gallen Art Museum is a must. The art museum has a rich collection of paintings and sculptures. The collection ranges from the late Middle Ages to the present and is on display year-round.
Technology: For those interested in science and technology, the Swiss Museum of Transport in Lucerne is a highlight. Here, visitors can follow the development of means of transport such as trains, aeroplanes and ships in interactive exhibitions and experience the fascinating history of mobility.
Smaller museums: In addition to these well-known museums, Switzerland is home to a large number of smaller, but no less impressive, institutions covering a wide range of topics, from watches and chocolate to literature and natural history.
UNESCO World Heritage
Switzerland is home to an impressive variety of cultural and natural sites that have been recognised by UNESCO as World Heritage sites. These sites represent the country's rich heritage and unique beauty, attracting visitors from around the world.
One of Switzerland's most famous UNESCO World Heritage sites is the old town of Bern. It is one of the best-preserved medieval cities in Europe and impresses with its well-preserved city layout, magnificent sandstone facades and charming alleys. Visitors can stroll through the narrow streets, admire historic fountains and view the Bundeshaus, the Swiss Parliament building.
Another of Switzerland's fascinating World Heritage sites is the Abbey District in St. Gallen. The monastery, founded in the 8th century, is a masterpiece of baroque architecture and is home to one of the oldest libraries in the world. The magnificent abbey church and the richly decorated library rooms are an impressive testimony to Switzerland's history.
In addition to the historic cities, Switzerland's UNESCO World Heritage sites also include breathtaking natural landscapes such as the Albula and Bernina region, the beech forests in Solothurn and Ticino, and Monte San Giorgio.
Switzerland is not only known for its breathtaking landscapes and cultural diversity, but also for its rich history. This is brought to life by a wide range of events . From traditional festivals, to small and large music events, to major large-scale events, there are a variety of events in Switzerland that invite you to visit.