Voralpen-Express Autumn Hit
With the Voralpen-Express to Lucerne or St. Gallen
Discover cultural highlights in St. Gallen, stroll along the lake in Rapperswil, go hiking in the natural paradise of Schwyz or experience the Swiss Museum of Transport in Lucerne.
From CHF 20 (2nd class, half-fare travelcard), you can travel between St. Gallen and Lucerne on the Voralpen-Express and back again. In addition, you can expect exclusive discounts on leisure experiences - so you can make stops whenever you like and receive attractive benefits from leisure partners.
Included in the fall hit:
Outward and return journey on the Voralpen-Express and SOB commuter trains between St. Gallen and Lucerne and Biberbrugg-Einsiedeln
Discounts on selected leisure experiences
1 coffee on the Voralpen-Express
Good to know: the outward and return journey can be selected for different travel days. The dates must be specified at the time of booking, last possible return journey 31.12.2024.
Discounted leisure experiences
With the Voralpen-Express Autumn Hit, you benefit from further discounts on leisure experiences along the line. Browse and benefit from attractive offers.