Familienausflug mit dem Foxtrail

Foxtrail - puzzle fun for the whole family

On the trail of the fox

“Varied, exciting, entertaining, fun! Tricky posts, beautiful route!” - Foxtrail turns cities such as Lucerne or St. Gallen into a playground for families, friends and groups with exciting city tours and city experiences. Teams of two to seven people have to crack codes and find hidden messages in order not to lose the fox's trail. Sometimes you get quite puzzled. The clues are sometimes tricky but can be solved with cleverness and team spirit!

A Foxtrail is a worthwhile and eventful family outing at any time of year!

The Foxtrail is a tourist scavenger hunt for playfully exploring cities. The game was invented in Switzerland in the Thun region. Today, Foxtrails are offered throughout Europe and there are around 50 different trails in Switzerland alone. The name Foxtrail, in reference to the cunning foxes, refers to this characteristic required by the pursuers. A Foxtrail is a mixture of sightseeing, scavenger hunt and escape game. A Foxtrail is booked by a group. The documents are then sent by e-mail. The start and finish of the trail are located at or near the train station of the chosen city, where there is also a ticket sales point.

Each trail is tailored to the respective location with its geographical characteristics and puzzle tasks, while the procedure is similar based on the starting documents: in order to find the next post, tasks must be solved together along the way and hidden messages must be found - if you get stuck, you can contact a helpline. The trails are usually run on foot, but sometimes public transport is also required.

In the city of Gallus, for example, the fox hides in an area as interwoven as a St. Gallen embroidery. You have to be vigilant on the four different trails in the “City of a Thousand Stairs” - or you will lose the stalk at St. Gallen train station. It would be a shame to miss out on the beautiful corners of the city and its surroundings. One trail leads to the beautiful Drei Weieren area, another over wooden bridges and cantonal borders to Lake Gübsen. The newest trail “Columban” in St. Gallen surprises with technical highlights. In Lucerne, the city on the Pilatus, the foxes are also active all year round. A trail in Lucerne is a particularly exciting way to get to know the city of lights. Starting at Lucerne's main railway station, they follow six different trails right through the city, and anyone who thinks the lake is an obstacle could be wrong. But the foxes are also out and about on secret paths, sometimes in the countryside, sometimes in the winding city. There is also plenty of fun to be had on a wheelchair-accessible Foxtrail, the route of which has been chosen so that it contains no obstacles.

How to get there: take the Voralpen-Express to St. Gallen or Lucerne

Foxtrail Wildhaus Funi

Whether in the cities, in the mountains, on trains or in underground passages, the fox has left its mark all over Switzerland.

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