Capanna Quarnei
2046 m.ü.M.
Am Fuße des Adula überragt die Quarnei-Hütte einen Felsvorsprung, der einen unvergleichlichen Blick auf das Malvaglia-Tal bietet. Man erreicht die Hütte zu Fuß vom Dagro Filovia (4 Stunden) oder vom Parkplatz Cusié (1h30). Quarnei ist ein Ausgangspunkt für Wanderungen zu Gipfeln und Bergseen von unterschiedlicher Schwierigkeit und Dauer. Von der Quarnei-Hütte aus erreicht man zum Beispiel den Adula-Gipfel über die "Via Valle Malvaglia" (4h, T6) oder die "Via Dell'Amicizia" (5h, Bergsteigen). Andere Hütten sind auch für mehrtägige Wanderungen zu erreichen.
Das architektonische Juwel aus heimischem Lärchen- und Pappelholz verfügt über 58 Betten und bietet Halbpension zu bescheidenen Preisen, mit speziellen Angeboten für Gruppen, Jugendliche und Familien. Mittags (nach Voranmeldung) kann man köstliche typische Gerichte genießen, die vor Ort mit lokalen und soweit möglich biologischen Produkten zubereitet werden.
Bitte reservieren Sie Ihre Übernachtung in der Hütte direkt über folgenden Link.
Schlafplätze: 50 während der Saison, 10 im Winter
Dusche: ja, kostet CHF 5.-
Hunde müssen bei den Hüttenwirten telefonisch angemeldet werden. Sie dürfen nicht mit ihren Besitzern im Zimmer schlafen, sondern in der Halle oder im Vorraum.
Die Hütte muss vor Ort bezahlt werden. (Bar, Karte oder TWINT)
Der angegebene Preis (Preisliste weiter unten) ist inklusive Halbpension und beinhaltet das Abendessen und das Frühstück sowie die Übernachtung.
Wir akzeptieren Schweizer Franken und Euro (Wechselkurs 1:1).
Winterraum ganzjährig offen - nicht bewartet: 10 Schlafplätze
Bewartet: mitte Juni, Juli, August, September, mitte Oktober
Die Quarnei-Hütte befindet sich am Ende des Malvaglia-Tals am Anfang des Blenio-Tals, im oberen Tessin, Schweiz. Um Malvaglia mit dem Auto zu erreichen, verlassen Sie einfach die Autobahn A2 bei Biasca und fahren etwa 7 km in Richtung Lucomagno.
Mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln nehmen Sie den Zug bis Biasca und fahren dann mit dem Bus Nr. 131 in Richtung Olivone bis zur Haltestelle Malvaglia Filovia. Die Fahrpläne finden Sie unter www.sbb.ch.
In Malvaglia angekommen, können Sie die Seilbahn (www.filoviamalvaglia.ch) bis Dagro nehmen und dann zu Fuß über den Sentiero dei Monti oder den Sentiero degli Alpi. Mit dem Auto bis nach Cusié Parkplatz.
Hüttenwart: Jordan e Marzio Brambilla Telefon: +41 91 870 26 40 Mail: capanna@quarnei.ch
Wichtige Hinweise zur Reservierung
Alle Betten sind mit Bettdecken, Laken und Kopfkissen ausgestattet. Die Verwendung eines Schlafsacks ist obligatorisch. Der Schlafsack kann in der Hütte gemietet werden (CHF 8.-).
On arrival , please deposit your mountain equipment and shoes in the designated place. Hut shoes are available in many sizes.
If you have any allergies, please contact the hut team by the evening before your arrival at the latest.
Please register with the hut warden or the team on arrival. The hut team will be happy to show you where you can sleep and give you all the information you need.
Im Preis enthalten sind neben der Übernachtung auch ein Drei-Gänge-Abendessen und ein Frühstücksbuffet.
Night rest is at 10.00 pm.
Für Hunde werden Zelte im Freien zur Verfügung gestellt, damit die Besitzer die Möglichkeit haben, neben ihren vierbeinigen Freunden zu schlafen (das Schlafen im Speisesaal ist nicht erlaubt).
Smoking is prohibited in the entire hut. If you smoke a cigarette outside, please use the ashtray.
Climbing routes in alpine terrain requires a good level of fitness, serious preparation and technical knowledge of mountain sports. Climbing the routes described is at your own risk. For safe mountaineering, the SAC recommends training under expert supervision. All content on the SAC tour portal is compiled with the greatest possible care. The Swiss Alpine Club SAC and the authors assume no liability for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information provided. Liability claims of any kind against the SAC and the authors are excluded.
General Terms and Conditions (GTC) for SAC huts
The General Terms and Conditions (GTC) are based on the Huts and Infrastructure Regulations. They apply to all reservations in the official SAC huts in accordance with Art. 1.3 of the Huts and Infrastructure Regulations or the listed SAC huts on www.sac-cas.ch.
Accommodation contract and reservation
The guest accommodation contract is concluded directly and exclusively between the person making the reservation (hereinafter referred to as the guest) and the responsible hut warden; in huts that are not serviced or are serviced by section members, the contract is concluded between the guest and the section owning the hut.
The reservation of sleeping places and half-board is binding for both parties if it is confirmed verbally or in writing. The GTC come into force with each confirmation.
Credit card details may be required when reserving sleeping places via the online hut reservation system (OHRS).
Advance payment / deposit
Each hut warden is entitled to request an advance payment / deposit to secure the reservation. The maximum amount of the advance payment / deposit may correspond to the equivalent value of the entire reserved service. Payment must be transferred by the agreed date, otherwise the reservation is deemed not to have been confirmed. A refund will only be made if the contract is canceled on time in accordance with the cancellation conditions.
No advance payments are charged for officially advertised section tours. The sections undertake to pay any compensation in accordance with the cancellation conditions.
Cancellation conditions / no-show fee
Cancellations, changes and postponements of reservations are possible free of charge up to 2 days before the reserved overnight stay at the latest by 6 p.m. via the OHRS or by telephone.
The hut warden is entitled to charge the no-show fee to the credit card on file or to invoice it for cancellations and postponements of reservations or changes in the number of persons that are not reported or reported too late. The maximum amount of the no-show fee may correspond to the equivalent value of the entire reserved and unused service (overnight stay and half board). The no-show fee must be clearly communicated to the guest both when the reservation is requested and when the reservation is confirmed.
The no-show fee in accordance with Art. 4.2 does not apply if the guest can prove in writing by means of supporting documents that the use of the reserved service was not possible due to weather events (confirmed severe weather warning from MeteoSchweiz or confirmation of the increase in the avalanche danger level compared to the previous day in the SLF avalanche bulletin) for the route in question and the day in question. The hut warden must be informed by 6 p.m. on the evening before the reserved overnight stay. GTC for SAC huts
Art. 4.A, 4.B and 4.C also apply in the event of early departure
Withdrawal by the hut warden The hut warden may withdraw from the contract under the following conditions: If the hut warden withdraws from the contract for the above-mentioned reasons, the guest shall not be entitled to any compensation. Compensation for the booked services remains due in principle within the framework of the cancellation conditions, except in cases of force majeure.
Force majeure or other circumstances beyond the control of the hut warden.
The guest significantly violates the SAC hut rules during his/her stay;
The purpose or reason for the stay is illegal.
Identification requirement
Reduced overnight rates for members of the SAC and organizations with reciprocal rights are only granted on presentation of valid identification.
Free overnight stays for mountain guides in the exercise of their profession are only granted on presentation of a valid IVBV card and the membership card of the SAC or an organization with reciprocal rights.
Accommodation and consumption costs must be paid on the day of departure at the latest. Payment by credit card, electronic means of payment or foreign currency is only possible subject to availability and prior confirmation.
In unattended SAC huts, the accommodation costs must be paid in cash at the designated cash desks or by bank transfer within 10 days.
Exclusion of liability All written and verbal information provided by hut wardens (e.g. about tour conditions, avalanche and weather conditions, route selection, etc.) is given with the greatest possible care and to the best of their knowledge and experience. However, the hut wardens accept no liability for this. All decisions regarding tours, routes etc. are the responsibility of the guest. Liability on the part of the hut wardens and the SAC for damages of any kind that may arise for the guest from the use of this information is excluded.
Applicable law and place of jurisdiction The General Terms and Conditions for SAC Huts are subject to Swiss law. The place of jurisdiction is the municipality where the hut is located. The General Terms and Conditions for SAC Huts were adopted by the Assembly of Delegates on August 29, 2020 and come into force on November 1, 2020.
Die aktuellsten Informationen zu den Preisen, Zustiegen und weitere Informationen können Sie ▷hier nachlesen.
Preise Sommerperiode
SAC-Mitglieder | Alter | Übernachtung | Halbpension |
Kinder | bis 6 Jahre | - | + CHF 15.- |
Jugendliche | 6 - 16 Jahre | CHF 10.- | + CHF 30.- |
Erwachsene | Ab 16 Jahre | CHF 22.- | + CHF 48.- |
Nicht-Mitglieder | Alter | Übernachtung | Halbpension |
Kinder | bis 6 Jahre | - | + CHF 15.- |
Jugendliche | 6 - 16 Jahre | CHF 10.- | + CHF 30.- |
Erwachsene | ab 16 Jahre | CHF 28.- | + CHF 48.- |