Gemalte Illustration eines grünen Tals, blauem Fluss und kupferfarbenen Zug der entlang fährt

Alpenrhein-Express Hit

Experience the region around the Säntis from CHF 20

Discover the unique museums in St. Gallen, explore Chur with a game of urban golf, take a winter hike in the Flumserberg or experience the rugged side of the Säntis.

From 20 francs (2nd class, Half Fare Travelcard) you can travel from your home to the leisure experience and back again or discover the new Alpenrhein-Express line between St. Gallen and Chur. In addition to the train journey, a leisure experience awaits you – which you select before your trip.

Included in the introductory offer:

  • OSTWIND day ticket including the Bad Ragaz–Chur route

  • Selected leisure experience

This offer is currently only available in German.

Entdecken Sie Ausflugstipps und Sehenswürdigkeiten im Rheintal mit der neuen SOB-Linie.

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