From December 2024, the new SOB line will run hourly to Chur and St. Gallen.
About the Alpenrhein-Express
Commissioning: December 15, 2024
Travel time: 1h 22min
Route: St. Gallen-Chur
Stops: St. Gallen, Rorschach, St. Margrethen, Heerbrugg, Altstätten, Buchs, Sargans, Bad Ragaz, Maienfeld, Landquart, Chur
Circulation: Once an hour from Chur and St. Gallen
Departure times: from Chur first connection at 5.42 a.m., last connection at 8.42 p.m., from St. Gallen first connection at 5.55 a.m., last connection at 8.55 p.m.
Junction stations: St. Margrethen, Heerbrugg and Buchs with connections to Austria, Germany and Liechtenstein
Always travel in comfort with the Alpenrhein-Express. The latest series of the Traverso fleet will enter service this year. Like the other long-distance lines, it has modern facilities for young and old as well as beautiful views from the panoramic windows.
Two bistro zones on the train with drinks and snack vending machines are available for self-service. Payment can be made in cash in Swiss francs or in euros as well as contactless with a debit or credit card. You can also pay with Twint, Apple Pay and Amex.
Panoramic windows and spacious interior design
The modern, copper-colored Traverso low-floor multiple units impress with large windows, bright interiors, an outstanding 1st class and spacious 2nd class compartments.
All seats are equipped with power sockets so that you can charge your smartphone or laptop at any time.
Family compartment
A lovingly designed family compartment with hidden object pictures of the four seasons by illustrator Konrad Beck is available for families. Younger guests can spread out their toys on the large tables or color in the coloring book with Zoe the vixen. The coloring book and colored pencils are provided free of charge on request by the customer advisor.
Storage space for luggage
The Traverso has storage space for bicycles, luggage, baby carriages and winter sports equipment.
Seat reservation
The Traverso has a total of 359 seats. Simply reserve your seat for the next journey online.
The fully air-conditioned trains comply with the latest European disability equality legislation and offer an information system with four to seven screens per carriage.
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