Office of the Nature Park


  • Information about events, excursions and accommodation

  • Hiking, snowshoeing and ski touring maps

  • Local cross-country passes as well as the Swiss cross-country pass

  • Souvenirs as postcards, t-shirts, caps, CD's and calendars

  • Books of local writers

  • Grimmimutz souvenirs

  • Rental of two e-bikes

  • Booking of the guided excursions of the Diemtigtal (in German)

  • Booking of the fireplaces "Anger" and "Katzenloch"

E-Guma vouchers can be cashed at the office of the Diemtigtal Nature Park for all services (by phone, e-mail or on site). The E-Guma vouchers CAN NOT be cashed at the webshop of Diemtigtal Nature park (other system).


Opening Hours

Mo-Fr 8.30 till 12.00 hrs, 13.30 till 16.30 hrs Sa 8.30 till 12.00 hrs
